Eye exam in Silver Spring MD
eye exam in Silver Spring MD is vital for not only making sure you are seeing your best, but also for your heath. Yes, your eye health, but not just that. There are even general health benefits when you make the choice to come in once per year to us at Maple Lawn Eye Care Center.
Probably the number one reason why people get our eye exam in Silver Spring MD is to determine if they need a new or updated prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. This makes sense, since on a daily basis, how well you see at all distances has a profound effect on your life. You may not be seeing poorly, but even if you're seeing okay, that should not be good enough. The truth is that with corrective lenses, you can have outstanding vision; the best you can achieve. Unless you're experiencing symptoms such as blurry vision or seeing spots in front of your eyes, for just two examples, you are unlikely to consider being screened for common eye diseases all that important. It is, though. Glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy all form and progress without any obvious signs. If you wait until you notice symptoms, you could be dealing with advanced eye disease, and harm that cannot be reversed, including vision loss. Early detection is closely associated with the best outcomes. So our
eye exam in Silver Spring MD every year is well worth the minimal effort. And the blood vessels in your eyes can even offer clues to the presence of diabetes, high cholesterol, and even high blood pressure. So coming in for your eye checkup can allow you to stay ahead of those essential health issues, too.
Now that you know all of the great reasons for annual eye exams, it's the perfect time to call us and book one for yourself.
By Maple Lawn Eye Care Center
June 15, 2017
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